Why Brock Lesnar's segment ended the way it did?

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Anybody who saw Monday Night Raw could tell you that Brock Lesnar's segment wasn't supposed to be the way it was. It was an absolute disappointment to see even a guy like Paul Heyman stammer and stutter. It also made no sense to ridicule the WWE Universe about how stupid they were in chanting 'Goldberg' when actually they were chanting 'Suplex City'.

Paul Heyman was certainly caught off-guard and was short of words and mysteriously said "this" almost 27 times during the promo. This shows how  even one of the best mic guys in the WWE can fall prey to the unpredictability of the WWE Universe. What is noteworthy is that WWE never expected the audience to chant 'Goldberg Sucks' esp when they portrayed him as a superhero for the kids. They wanted Lesnar to be the 'heel' and Goldberg to be the 'babyface' during the epic encounter between two of the most physical wrestlers in the WWE. Seeing the promo gave us hints of how badly their first encounter ended and sadly it may even be for the second time. This clearly shows why WWE2k17 has Brock Lesnar on its cover page.

Vince McMahon was so angry at the audiences that he hit Lesnar's music halfway in the segment. Imagine the segment was supposed to carry on even longer. What a shame would that have been! It was actually wise on Vince's part to do so since Paul Heyman was actually making a fool out of Lesnar by stating things he shouldn't have been stating. Things didn't go as planned and underestimating Lesnar's popularity in his hometown of Minnesota was a wrong move on WWE's part. Instead of addressing Goldberg, Paul Heyman was addressing the WWE audience as to how angry he was at their reaction given to a man who was returning to WWE for just one fight. This again was a stupid move on the part of WWE and one which made this promo completely nonsensical. If he had addressed Goldberg then just maybe this appearance of Lesnar on Monday Night Raw could have bore fruition. 

Goldberg could probably meet the fate that Batista met where WWE Universe outrightly rejected him. WWE needs to be careful about the way they plan this fight since Lesnar's popularity may overshadow the myth of Goldberg once again. It was one of the worst promos in recent memory and certainly should not be repeated. Let's see what happens when Goldberg appears next Monday!  
Why Brock Lesnar's segment ended the way it did? Why Brock Lesnar's segment ended the way it did? Reviewed by Elections 2024 on 15:31 Rating: 5

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