Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar
Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!
Yes! Goldberg is back and he's set to face 'The Beast' at Survivor Series 2016. It's been nearly 12 years since we had a glimpse of 'The Master of Spear' in a WWE ring. However, last week on Monday Night Raw all our wishes came true when finally Goldberg arrived and accepted Lesnar's challenge for a fight - anywhere, anytime.
The funny thing here, though, is that Goldberg mentioned Brock Lesnar as his final opponent. This clearly means his match at Survivor Series will be his final bout before he calls it a day. Most probably WWE will do to Goldberg what they did to Sting and The Ultimate Warrior - A Hall of Fame Induction. WWE has also booked these two legends in a supposedly dull way:
Goldberg - 17/10/16 - Monday Night Raw
Brock Lesnar - 24/10/16 - Monday Night Raw
Goldberg - 31/10/16 - Monday Night Raw
Brock Lesnar - 06/11/16 - Monday Night Raw
Brock Lesnar & Goldberg - 13/11/16 - Monday Night Raw
This clearly shows that there's only going to be talking and talking and Paul Heyman before Lesnar and Goldberg finally square off on the 13th November edition of Monday Night Raw, a week before Survivor Series. If rumours are to be believed Brock Lesnar is set to win this epic counter and conquer the only man left to conquer in WWE.
The indicators are clearly there. Here's my analysis of why Goldberg is set to lose to Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2016 :-
1. Lesnar's build - WWE has been building Lesnar for more than 3 years now and they'll certainly not want to lose that build to a 49-year old veteran who is coming for 1 final encounter. WWE showed us that against Sting where 'The Icon' was made to lose to Triple-H in a contest that was for the ages.
2. Goldberg's uncertainty - Goldberg was quite uncertain on SportsCentre when asked if he could beat Brock Lesnar. This clearly gave a hint that Goldberg will lose to Lesnar at Survivor Series. Goldberg's uncertainty along with his unusual demeanour gave us a realistic outlook that he's fighting only for his son and nothing else.
3. Goldberg -1 Lesnar-0 - Goldberg's 1 win over Brock Lesnar and losing this rematch won't be such a shame for The Legend. Maybe that's why Lesnar as an opponent makes sense for a wrestler like Goldberg who wouldn't be ashamed of losing to the greatest combat athlete of all-time.
4. One-match Contract - A One-match Contract gives WWE an upper-hand in negotiating the terms of the deal. Since WWE is providing Goldberg a platform to showcase his power, WWE would want Goldberg to aid in building the character of Brock Lesnar who would finally be conquered by either Rollins or Reigns or may be Samoa Joe.
5. Goldberg's relations with Triple H - Goldberg has never been in good terms with the COO of WWE and that clearly puts Goldberg in an unfavourable position. Triple H would never want Goldberg to get an upper hand over a wrestler whom he himself lost to. This clearly should be the final nail in the coffin as to why Goldberg is set to lose his final match in WWE.
Still, it'll be a great experience to see Goldberg perform for one last time. We do expect some interference of some sort during the match since WWE wouldn't make Goldberg lose cleanly (I hope they don't).
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar
Reviewed by Elections 2024

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